LeafCann Group Pty Ltd (LeafCann) is pleased to announce that its subsidiary, LeafCann Manufacturing Pty Ltd, has been granted a licence to Manufacture Medicinal Cannabis by the Australian Office of Drug Control.
"After several years of Company development, I am delighted that Leafcann can now begin in earnest to execute our business plan towards delivering medicinal cannabis products to the many patients whose conditions are not treated effectively by existing pharmaceuticals, and whose quality of life could be substantially improved. The LeafCann team's vision is to deliver a world class outcome for the medical market by leading the sector in the development of person-centred precision medicines under GMP (Good Manufacturing Practice) production. We look forward to continued engagement with regulators and licenced industry partners to provide effective, validated medicines to those that need it most," said LeafCann Group CEO, Ms. Elisabetta Faenza.
Leafcann Group Chief Scientist, Dr Jaroslav Boublik added, "Our team is focussed on delivering the highest quality product, focusing on high-tech indoor facilities. This enables us to control all elements, resulting in a pharmaceutical grade product, and ensuring a consistent patient experience, which supported by research and development, will drive clinical acceptance."
"The Manufacturing Licence is the key licence needed to ensure LeafCann can become the market leader in the Asia Pacific region. The granting of this licence is a major milestone for LeafCann and enables the company to confidently move forward with the construction of a world-class indoor facility based in South Australia, creating hundreds of high-value jobs in this emerging sector. With the support of our Investors and the South Australian Government, Leafcann is making a substantial investment to build its first specialised, indoor facility – LeafCann Innovate - in Adelaide, ensuring it is able to deliver products that meet or exceed the standards required by the Therapeutic Goods Administration and its Asian and European counterparts," said LeafCann Group Chairman, Mr Ilario Faenza.