Learner Charged Over Driving Offences At Newcastle

A learner driver has been issued five infringement notices and will face court on two charges following a traffic incident in Newcastle this morning.

About 7.05am (Tuesday 11 March 2025), officers were patrolling Newcastle Road, Jesmond, when they sighted a Ford Fairlane that appeared to have broken down in the middle of a busy road.

As police stopped to assist, the driver of the car – a 17-year-old boy – and two passengers, aged 15 and 16, allegedly ran from the vehicle.

Police pursued the group on foot and arrested all three nearby; however, both passengers were released a short time later.

Following an assessment of the vehicle, five infringement notices were issued to the driver:

  • Drive motor vehicle not carry licence
  • Learner not display L plates as prescribed
  • Learner not accompanied by licenced driver/police officer or tester
  • Use unsafe or unserviceable vehicle on road or road related area, and
  • Use light vehicle not comply with tyre standards.

A defect notice for the vehicle was issued and it was towed from the scene to clear the roadway.

The driver subsequently underwent to a roadside breath test which allegedly returned a positive result.

He was taken to Waratah Police Station where a secondary breath analysis allegedly returned a reading of 0.143.

The driver also underwent an oral fluid test that allegedly returned a positive reading for an illicit drug. A secondary oral fluid test will be sent for analysis.

In addition to the infringement notices, the driver was issued a court attendance notice for drive with middle-range PCA, and drive with mid-range PCA and illicit drug.

He will appear before court on Thursday 1 May 2025.

His licence was also suspended.

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