Learner Drivers Given Keys To Success

Tasmanian Government

The Tasmanian Liberal Government has extended the Learner Driver Mentor Program (LDMP) by two years, assisting disadvantaged drivers to get a driver licence.

LDMP grants provide funding for community organisations and local Government to coordinate these programs.

Minister for Transport, Eric Abetz, said a driver licence can be life changing.

"A driver licence opens the door to employment, to convenience and so much more," Minister Abetz said.

"This program has been highly successful and has made a genuine impact in the lives of many Tasmanians – as a Government we're keen to see this continue."

Minister Abetz said the LDMP had been a resounding success to date, operating across 16 programs in Tasmania and delivering an average of 1,500 supervised driving hours each month.

"In the last financial year alone, 194 individuals successfully obtained their P1 driver's licence through the program," Minister Abetz said.

"Whether you're a new Tasmanian, someone who put off getting your licence or looking to tackle your next challenge in life, I encourage you to look into how you can get your driver licence.

"Through our 2030 Strong Plan for Tasmania's Future we're going to continue to support Tasmanians so they can lead their best life possible."

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