LED Scoreboards Upgrade Alan Garden Recreation Reserve


Swan Hill Rural City Council is pleased to advise users of the Alan Garden Recreation Reserve that they will notice an exciting upgrade on their next visit, with the installation of new LED scoreboards on two netball courts and the sports oval.

This project, a collaboration between Sport and Recreation Victoria's Community Infrastructure Projects Team, Swan Hill Rural City Council, and the Tyntynder Football Netball Club, delivers a significant enhancement for players, supporters, and volunteers.

Council's Mayor, Cr Stuart King said the new scoreboards will not only elevate the game-day experience but also provide relief for volunteers, who will no longer have to score matches in outdoor conditions.

"The upgrades include two full-colour LED video boards that can be controlled via mobile phone, as well as a larger five-metre by three-metre full-colour LED video board, which also has a smaller sister board displaying football scores for netball spectators – pretty impressive!"

"The installation was completed utilising local trades and suppliers where possible," Cr King said.

Cr King said that the new technology would be a valuable asset to the precinct.

"The addition of these state-of-the-art scoreboards is a fantastic outcome for our sporting community. They will enhance the experience for players, spectators, and volunteers alike. We look forward to seeing the community enjoy these fantastic new facilities," Cr King said.

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