Leeton Council Joins Forces with UniSA

Leeton Shire Council

UniSA - Learning from Leeton - A Case Study of Refugee Settlement Report Cover (c) Ady Shane Photography.jpg

...on a Migrant Settlement Support Research Project

At their February 2025 Council Meeting, Leeton Shire Councillors unanimously supported partnering with the University of South Australia (UNISA) and others on a proposed research project related to whole-of-community settlement support for migrants and refugees.

The project, which was brought to Council by Mayor George Weston in a Mayoral Minute, seeks to rethink how local rural/regional towns/cities understand who they are, and what they need to be, to welcome and champion a place for refugees and other migrants to feel at home and become a part of their rural/regional communities.

Led by Associate Professor David Radford, this project will build on previous research conducted by UNISA in Leeton in 2023 focused on local community responses to refugee settlement-integration in rural Australia and provide an opportunity see what changes will take place over several years. It will also use findings from other local government Councils, regional community stakeholders and local members, indigenous communities, and various migrant groups to explore the social, cultural and economic aspects of diverse settlement.

Mayor and Portfolio Lead for Welcoming Leeton, Cr George Weston, said the project will complement and consolidate Council's efforts for Leeton to be a friendly, inclusive and welcoming Shire for people of other nationalities.

"The research findings will provide an evidence base for programs and initiatives to help improve settlement experiences for our rural multicultural populations, enhance networks and social cohesion, and embed best practice in our rural towns for the benefit of all," said Mayor Weston.

The research project is supported by Council through a $6K cash contribution and a letter of support.

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