The Legacy Centenary Torch Relay touched down in Grafton on Monday (26 June), celebrating 100 years of helping veterans' families carry on with their lives after the loss or injury of a loved one.
Seventeen torch bearers - all having a connection with Legacy or the Defence Force - carried the torch 6.72km from the Blue Goose Hotel at Junction Hill to Grafton's Memorial Park.
PICTURED: The 17 torch bearers for the Grafton leg of the Legacy Centenary Torch Relay at Memorial Park. Photo courtesy of Defence Health
Clarence Valley Council proudly supported the Grafton leg of the event, organised by Defence Health.
"Legacy is the only veteran service organisation in Australia dedicated solely to the care and support of our veterans' families," Mayor Ian Tiley said.
"Legacy is still caring for tens of thousands of widows who have lost their loved ones and been affected by their partner's service in the Korean War, Malayan insurgency, Vietnam War, the campaigns in Iraq and Afghanistan, and peacekeeping operations across the world.
"Legacy supports families who are suffering from the effects of post-traumatic stress disorder and other mental health illnesses.
"It is vital that Legacy continue to care for Legatees, given that more than 72,000 members of the Australian Defence Forces have served overseas since 1991. This is more than the number who served overseas from 1950 to 1990."
PICTURED: Arthur Lysaught, the final torch bearer of the Grafton relay leg, passes Clarence Valley Council on route to the cenotaph at Memorial Park at Grafton. Photo: CVC
The relay started at the Australian War Memorial in Pozieres, France, on 23 April 2023. It travelled through London, where it was welcomed by King Charles III at Buckingham Palace, and will travel to all 44 Legacy clubs in Australia. Grafton was the 18th leg of the relay.
- For more photos check out the Legacy Torch Relay Facebook page
- Check out the relay route here
PICTURED: Arthur Lysaught completes the Grafton leg of the torch relay. Photo courtesy of Defence Health
The Legacy Centenary Torch Relay is the first of multiple events marking historic occasions set to take place in Memorial Park this year.
The Centenary of Grafton Cenotaph Dedication (11 Nov) and the 80th Anniversary of the Cub Scout Drownings (11 Dec) were both acknowledged in Mayoral Minutes at the Ordinary Council Meeting held at Maclean Council Chambers on 27 June.
Council noted the planned events, and committed to provide in-kind support and publicity to each.