Leichhardt Community Sends Clear Message To Candidates

A packed forum in Cairns last night sent a resounding message to the federal candidates for Leichhardt – the Far North Queensland community wants strong leadership on Reef protection, climate action and a sustainable future.

More than 100 community members gathered for the Reef, Climate, and Energy Forum, where federal candidates for Leichhardt presented their policies on climate action, Reef protection, and energy affordability.

Hosted by leading Far North Queensland conservation and community groups, the forum provided voters with a rare opportunity to hear directly from candidates and put pressing questions to them ahead of the upcoming federal election.

Candidates in attendance included Labor's Matt Smith, the Greens' Phillip Musumeci, and Independent Norman Miller, who each outlined their vision for addressing the key environmental and economic challenges facing the region.

Notably absent were Liberal candidate Jeremy Neal, One Nation's Rob Hicks and Family First's Les Searle who all declined to attend, missing an opportunity to engage with the community on these crucial issues.

With long term Liberal incumbent Warren Entsch stepping down, Leichhardt is shaping up as a pivotal contest in the federal election.

Community groups are calling on candidates to demonstrate real leadership in addressing climate change and safeguarding the Reef, which underpins thousands of local jobs and the region's way of life.

Australian Marine Conservation Society campaigner Tanya Murphy said:

"Leichhardt voters are deeply invested in the future of the Reef and the climate policies that will protect it. The packed room and engaged discussions last night show that people want real commitments, not just promises.

"The Reef is the lifeblood of this region and voters are paying close attention to which candidates have the strongest plans to protect it."

Cairns and Far North Environment Centre Director Bronwyn Opie said:

"For Leichhardt, climate change isn't a distant threat-it's happening now. Families are still rebuilding after devastating floods, Torres Strait Islanders are seeing the ocean creep closer to their homes, and our Reef-the heart of our economy and identity-is at risk.

"The energy in the room last night made it clear: this community demands leaders who are serious about tackling these challenges. It was disappointing to see some of the candidates ignore this conversation, but the people of Leichhardt won't be ignored at the ballot box."

Divers for Climate CEO Dr Yolanda Waters said:

"Divers and the dive tourism industry witness firsthand the impacts of climate change on the Reef and we are concerned about what this means for our industry and region. "We really appreciated the candidates who attended and shared their visions and solutions. We look forward to seeing oceans and climate at the heart of their campaigns and real leadership that turns promises into action."

Queensland Conservation Council campaigner, Charlie Cox said:

"In the wake of Cyclone Alfred, climate change is shaping up to be a critical election issue for the whole of Queensland. That's particularly true for us up here in the Far North – we really are on the frontlines of the climate crisis.

"That's why it was great to have discussions last night about what the solutions are to this problem, with the very people hoping to represent the needs of the Far North in Canberra. Last night's forum proved that this community is eager to work together on those solutions with whoever gets elected in May. It's a real shame some candidates chose to turn down that opportunity."

Authorised by P. Gamblin, AMCS, 4/145 Melbourne Street, South Brisbane, QLD 4101

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