Let Games Begin In Wide Bay

Premier and Minister for Veterans The Honourable David Crisafulli

Delivering 2032 and Beyond: Let the Games Begin in the Wide Bay

  • Wide Bay Burnett to benefit from a winning Games legacy of infrastructure, transport connectivity, tourism and grassroots sport.
  • 2032 Delivery Plan sets the plan for a successful 2032 Olympic and Paralympic Games.
  • Maryborough proposed to host Archery while major upgrades are planned for the Bruce Highway.

The Queensland Government has today released the 2032 Delivery Plan, putting the Wide Bay on the roadmap for the 2032 Olympic and Paralympic Games.

These Games will not just be for Brisbane and the Plan recognises the value in Queensland's regional centres like the Wide Bay to host Olympic events, drive tourism opportunities and support community grassroots sport.

As part of the 2032 Delivery Plan, the Wide Bay is in the box seat for:

  • Opportunity to host archery in Maryborough.
  • Upgrade to the Bruce Highway at Walker Street, with a major intersection overhaul to boost safety.
  • Upgrade to the Bruce Highway with a new Tiaro Bypass to increase safety and flood immunity, as part of the $9 billion investment between Brisbane and Cairns.
  • Leveraging the 20-year tourism plan for new tourism initiatives.
  • A share in the $250 million Games On! programs with upgrades to grassroots community clubs.

Premier David Crisafulli said 2032 would be the Queensland Games.

"These Games are a once-in-a-generation opportunity to deliver an infrastructure, tourism and grassroots sports legacy to benefit all of Queensland," Premier Crisafulli said.

"Delivering 2032 and Beyond sets the plan to build much more than what's needed for a few weeks of competition.

"This is a plan that builds for our future, ensuring regional communities continue to benefit for decades to come.

"That includes delivering critical upgrades to the spine of our transport network, the Bruce Highway, between Cairns and Brisbane.

"Come 2032, through better connectivity and the right infrastructure, the Wide Bay will be ready to open its doors not only to the Games but to more tourists, more employment and more opportunities."

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