Liberals Losing Day In Parliament 13 March 2025

Tas Labor

The Liberals' plans to sell off Tasmania's assets are in tatters after the House of Assembly voted to commence a full inquiry into its privatisation agenda, with the full support of the cross bench.

On top of that, the Liberals lost an attempt to water down a motion in support of Tasmanian Police battling PTSD and finally their motion attempting to baselessly attack Labor was amended beyond recognition by the crossbench.

It was a trifecta of Parliamentary failures for the Liberals, struggling to govern and struggling with the Budget crisis that they created.

With failed, former Treasurer Michael Ferguson making another unsanctioned foray into debate, this time telling the House that Aurora Energy had secretly been for sale by the Liberals 'for years', it was another losing day for the Liberals.

Shane Broad MP

Leader of Opposition Business in the House of Assembly

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