Orange City Council has responded to the latest Australian Government restrictions closing a number of facilities.
Orange City Council CEO David Waddell said the latest restrictions close the Orange City Library, Orange Regional Gallery, the Glenroi Community Centre, Orange Civic Theatre, Visitor Information Centre, the Senior Citizens Centre, Bowen 'Carriage Cottage' Community Centre and community halls.
"Orange City Council is continuing to follow the recommendations of state and national health authorities as we respond to the Coronavirus (COVID-19) crisis," Mr Waddell said. "In a rapidly shifting situation we are monitoring changes to this advice and responding promptly."
CLOSED : Orange Regional Museum
The Council facilities to close to date are :
- Orange City Library
- Orange Regional Museum
- Orange Regional Gallery
- Orange Civic Theatre
- Glenroi Community Centre
- Visitor Information Centre
- Orange Aquatic Centre
- Senior Citizens Centre
- Bowen 'Carriage Cottage' Community Centre
- Community halls including Spring Hill and Lucknow
"With our staff, Orange City Council is working through a number of initiatives while conforming with government restrictions and advice.
"We have introduced work-from-home where that is practical. We have implemented social distancing in the workplace and we have limited person-to-person interactions through our customer service areas. We make these changes while we continue to deliver essential services to the community."
"The best guidance we can give right now is to follow the advice of the health authorities. Wash your hands regularly and reduce your contact with other people. Self-isolate if you have traveled overseas in the last 14 days or have been in close contact with a person who has tested positive to the COVID-19 infection," Mr Waddell said.
Council will update the changes to local services at