Licence to build: school building program bigger and better than ever


Students and communities across NSW will continue to benefit from new and upgraded schools in 2023 with the NSW Liberal and Nationals Government historic school building program.

This commitment comes as thousands of students settle into new classrooms at 14 new and upgraded schools across NSW today.

Premier Dominic Perrottet and Minister for Education and Early Learning Sarah Mitchell visited the new Edmondson Park Public School today to officially welcome students and families for the 2023 school year.

Mr Perrottet said the NSW Liberal and Nationals Government has a clear track record of delivering public education infrastructure with more than $430 million invested in projects handed over to schools for Day 1 Term 1 2023.

"We are a government that is committed to preparing our children for the future and providing them with the best learning opportunities. We have invested record funding in modern learning facilities and will continue to deliver for communities right across the State," Mr Perrottet said.

"This investment is providing our students access to new playing fields, sport courts, libraries and classrooms that have the latest technology and learning devices to support their learning.

"We are able to continue our historic school infrastructure pipeline because of the long-term economic funding of the NSW Liberal and Nationals Government."

Ms Mitchell said the investment from the NSW Liberal and Nationals Government will continue to deliver the schools of the future for communities right across the State.

"Today more than 9500 students at 14 new and upgraded schools across NSW from Googong and Murrumbateman to here in Edmondson Park will be stepping through the school gate to amazing new and upgraded learning facilities," Ms Mitchell said.

"Since 2019, the NSW Liberal and Nationals Government has delivered more than 150 major school projects for communities from across Regional NSW to here in Western Sydney, and thousands of minor school projects."

"We want to ensure that every student has access to state of the art learning facilities no matter where they live, which is why we have continued to invest in our record program of school projects.

The NSW Government is investing $8.6 billion in school infrastructure over the next four years, continuing its program to deliver 160 new and upgraded schools to support communities across NSW. This builds on the more than $9.1 billion invested in projects delivered since 2017, a program of $17.7 billion in public education infrastructure.

New and upgraded schools opening on Day 1 Term 1 2023:

  • Bankstown North Public School (upgrade)
  • Bungendore High School (new school in temporary facilities)
  • Canterbury South Public School (upgrade)
  • Edmondson Park Public School (new)
  • Epping West Public School (upgrade)
  • Galungara Public School (upgrade)
  • Googong Public School (new)
  • Gregory Hills Public School (new school in temporary facilities)
  • Jannali East Public School (upgrade)
  • Jerrabomberra High School (new school in temporary facilities)
  • Jordan Springs Public School (upgrade)
  • Murrumbateman Public School (new)
  • Nangamay Public School (new)
  • Ngarala Public School (new).
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