Liechtenstein Urged to Boost Anti-Trafficking Measures

CoE/Group of Experts on Action against Trafficking in Human Beings (GRETA)

In a new report the Group of Experts on Action against Trafficking in Human Beings (GRETA) calls on Liechtenstein to improve the identification of victims of human trafficking and to step up efforts to prevent and combat trafficking for the purpose of labour exploitation.

While nine presumed victims of trafficking (eight women and one man) were detected by the police in 2018-2023, none were formally identified as victims. GRETA urges the Liechtenstein authorities to ensure that, in practice, the identification of victims of trafficking is not linked to the prospects of a successful investigation and prosecution. The authorities should also pay increased attention to the identification of victims of trafficking among asylum seekers and migrants.

The report emphasises the need for better access to justice for trafficking victims, including providing legal assistance at an early stage and ensuring victims are informed of their rights, such as the right to a recovery and reflection period and to compensation.

GRETA also highlights the need for improved investigations and prosecutions which do not rely mainly on the testimony of victims.

Moreover, GRETA urges the Liechtenstein authorities to provide sufficient staff and resources to the Labour Inspectorate to enable it to carry out inspections in at-risk sectors, such as construction, hospitality and personal care workers. The authorities should also increase the legal protection for domestic and live-in care workers by making labour law applicable to all such workers and developing the conditions under which access to private households can be granted to inspection.

GRETA and Liechtenstein

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