Life After Cancer Is Stronger With Healthy Heart

University of Newcastle

One in three Australians living with cancer will develop cardiovascular disease due to the cardiotoxicity of treatments and other risk factors, making them 40 per cent more likely to experience heart complications compared to the general population.

Cardiovascular disease is now the leading cause of long-term illness and death among cancer survivors, with 25 percent of survivors dying from cardiac disease within seven years of completing cancer treatment.

The Newcastle Centre of Excellence in Cardio-Oncology, based at HMRI, is at the cutting edge of efforts to address this urgent issue. Under the leadership of the University of Newcastle Professors Aaron Sverdlov and Doan Ngo, Australia's first dedicated Cardio-Oncology team is working to protect the heart health of cancer survivors, improve treatment approaches, and raise awareness within the Hunter community.

"Most cancer patients are unaware of the potential heart risks associated with treatment. As a result, many do not receive the care needed to prevent heart disease," said cardiologist Professor Aaron Sverdlov, Director of Heart Failure and Cardio-Oncology at the University of Newcastle and Hunter New England Local Health District and member of HMRI's Heart and Stroke Research Program.

To help cancer patients and survivors understand the impact of cancer treatments on heart health, the Newcastle Centre of Excellence in Cardio-Oncology, in collaboration with HMRI, is hosting a free Q&A session. The event will bring together leading experts in cardiology, oncology, and heart health to answer questions and offer guidance on protecting the heart before, during, and after cancer treatment.

Expert panel members

  • University of Newcastle Professor Doan Ngo – Panel Chair: Co-Director of HMRI's Heart and Stroke Research Program, Academic Pharmacist & Co-Director of the Newcastle Centre of Excellence in Cardio-Oncology.
  • University of Newcastle Professor Aaron Sverdlov: Member of HMRI's Heart and Stroke Research Program, Director of Heart Failure & Cardio-Oncology, University of Newcastle & Hunter New England Local Health District.
  • University of Newcastle Conjoint Associate Professor James Lynam: Clinical Director, Medical Oncology; Calvary Mater Newcastle
  • University of Newcastle Conjoint Senior Lecturer Dr Trent Williams: Clinical Nurse Consultant, Cardiology, Calvary Mater Newcastle & John Hunter Hospital.
  • Dr Philippa Ell: Radiation Oncologist, Calvary Mater Newcastle.
  • Mr Joshua Bennetts: Clinical Pharmacist & PhD Candidate, University of Newcastle.

Who should attend?

  • Cancer patients and survivors who have experienced heart issues due to treatment.
  • Anyone who wants to learn more about protecting heart health after cancer.
  • Advocates for better heart care in the Hunter region.

Join us to learn, ask questions, and support better heart care

Cardio-oncology Q&A Session

Wednesday, 10 March

5.30 PM

Caves Theatre, Level 4, HMRI Building, New Lambton Heights NSW

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