Light Rail Works to Intensify on London Circuit East

The ACT Government is partnering with the Australian Government and Canberra Metro to deliver the next stage of light rail in our city centre.

The next stage of light rail will include three new stops at Edinburgh Avenue, City South and Commonwealth Park. This project will transform the southern end of our city to a place that is welcoming and accessible to residents, tourists, commuters, and businesses.

From the evening of Wednesday, 12 March 2025, London Circuit east will close to motorists and on-road cyclists between Northbourne Avenue and Theatre Lane. Access to pedestrians and wheelchair users will be maintained.

The closure will allow service relocations to be undertaken in the roadway and for streetscape improvements to be completed prior to the road reopening in late 2026.

London Circuit east will remain open for buses and for delivery drivers accessing Verity Lane. An alternative delivery location for Baileys Corner will also be implemented. Access to the adjacent theatre car park will also be maintained via Theatre Lane.

London Circuit still open for business

Businesses along London Circuit remain open and offer a variety of quality food and entertainment choices for Canberrans to visit and enjoy.

Access to these businesses will be maintained and signage is in place to assist customers, visitors and residents in navigating the area.

More details on road changes and other impacts relating to the construction of light rail are available on the online construction impacts map.

To view the map and stay up to date visit

Light rail to Commonwealth Park is a joint investment by the Australian and ACT Governments.

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