A report to Council on Wednesday night will recommend the City of Ballarat award the Lake Wendouree and Victoria Park Link Lighting contract to regional Victoria based contractor, DeAraugo and Lea Electrical Contractors Pty Ltd.
Awarding the Tender comes after Lake Lighting was identified as the top priority project in the Lake Wendouree Masterplan following three extensive phases of community engagement.
Different styles of lights were considered at the initial stages, however in-ground and bollard style lights were not supported as they did not meet the Australian Standards for public lighting of pathways.
Trial lights were installed near the Olympic Rings at Lake Wendouree in late 2020. The two trial lights demonstrated the pole style and light spill, included two pole options, one with a straight tapered pole and the other with a stepped pole. The tapered pole option was approved through a Planning Permit and Heritage Victoria Permit.
The scope of the works include the supply, installations and commission of 225 light poles around the 6km Steve Moneghetti Track around Lake Wendouree to provide safe access to the track at all times of day.
The project will also deliver lighting along Morrison Street, to safely link Lake Wendouree to nearby Victoria Park.
The project aligns with the Lake Wendouree Master Plan which was endorsed by the City of Ballarat in 2015 following extensive community and local resident engagement.
The consultation survey received over 1800 responses with 81.7% of these responses supporting the project. More than 480 written responses strongly supporting the project were also received by the City of Ballarat.
The City of Ballarat's Lake Lighting project considered a range of factors including an independent Biological Impact Assessment, an independent Arborist Assessment, a Cultural Heritage Management Plan, a Heritage Impact Assessment among others.
A key consideration for the Lake Lighting project is tree protection zones. The Arborist report specified tree management conditions which requires the underground boring of the electrical conduits, and this is specified in the project and contract scope.
The City of Ballarat's Lake Lighting project is jointly funded by the State Government ($2,500,000) and the City of Ballarat ($300,000).
City of Ballarat Chief Executive Officer, Evan King said it mso-fareast-font-family:Arial">is exciting to tender consideration phase of the project.
"The Lake Lighting project will create a safer environment for the more than 350,000 users of lake particularly after hours and during the winter months," he said.