Lithgow Mayor, Maree Statham recently spoke at the Framework for Growth launch hosted by the Lithgow and District Chamber of Commerce.
Mayor Maree Statham joined Deputy Premier Paul Toole and Federal Minister for Veterans' Affairs, Minister for Defence Personnel, Andrew Gee for the evening, held at the Maldhan Ngurr Ngurra, Lithgow Transformation Hub, and congratulated the Chamber on securing funding through the Bushfire Local Economic Recovery (BLER) program.
Mayor Statham told the gathering how Lithgow "must focus on ensuring its economic future is strong."
The Mayor spoke of the Lithgow Emerging Economy Project (LEEP) which has now kicked off. LEEP, which is funded by the NSW Government and Lithgow Council, is using specialist advisors to develop an action plan for both the NSW Government and Lithgow Council.
"LEEP will include tangible, measurable actions to guide the city toward a more future proof economy. I see this as a pathway to a desirable future. It will allow us to step from traditional industry to 21st century sectors of business."
"Whilst I can't pre-empt the findings of LEEP there are a diverse range of opportunities that present themselves as key players in Lithgow's future. Tourism, renewable energy, advanced manufacturing, health, agricultural production, creative industries and entertainment all could be part of Lithgow's economic future."
"We will also be seeking government support to strengthen and grow existing activities to hold jobs and re-invest back into the local economy. We are particularly interested in further ongoing support for defence manufacturing and I have written to the Federal Member (and Minister for Defence Personnel) Andrew Gee, seeking support from the federal government to demonstrate 'on-the-ground action' in this area to support the government's recent budget announcements."
"My vision for Lithgow in the future is of a city that is rich with jobs and a place of attraction. We need to be bold in our thinking and be receptive to new ideas. Council intends to play a key role by driving LEEP so it will provide the tools to guide us through the transition to a new economy. We also need government support to strengthen and grow existing activities. Jobs that are retained now will continue to provide incomes that can be re-invested back into the local economy, and I will continue to pursue government support at both the State and Federal levels."
"There is no doubt we have a journey in front of us. There is hard work and there will be debate. However, we need to be committed to our vision so future generations will be able to enjoy the legacy that this generation builds for them" concluded the Mayor.