Liverpool Mayor Ned Mannoun has welcomed today's Federal Budget announcement of funding of more than $142 million for two key infrastructure projects that includes a business case for Stage 2 of the Sydney Metro – Western Airport line linking Glenfield to Leppington and onto the Western Sydney Airport, as well as the M5 Motorway – Moorebank Avenue – Hume Highway Intersection Upgrade.
"While this funding announcement is a significant win, there needs to be a greater emphasis on housing affordability and more infrastructure investment across South West Sydney, in particular Liverpool," Mayor Mannoun said.
"We need more funding investment in Liverpool as it cements its place as Sydney's Third CBD, putting it simply, we don't have the adequate infrastructure to meet the demands of our growing population which is expected to reach over 330,000 by 2036.
"When you look at the enormous amount of new housing constructions underway in our city, you can see the shortfalls that exist in relation to transport connectivity, infrastructure, recreational spaces for people to enjoy and improvements to major arterial roads.
"While Council welcomes the new Sydney Metro – Western Sydney Airport line, we will continue to advocate for a choice of public transport options linking the airport, including the extension of the Inner West and Leppington Line to the Western Sydney Airport and Bradfield City Centre and for the Fifteenth Avenue Smart Transit (FAST) Corridor, particularly Fifteenth Avenue Upgrade, Cowpasture Road to Devonshire Road" Mayor Mannoun said.
"We are the jewel in the South West where people can build a life, work locally, have access to universities, all within close connectivity to the rest of the world when the new Western Sydney International Airport opens in 2026."
Mayor Mannoun said today's announcement is a great step forward, however further investment is required to create the thriving, bustling metropolis that we envision for our city in terms of recreational facilities and to capitalise on Liverpool's place as an international city.
"It makes sense to have a new world-class stadium in Liverpool, which is the home of Western Sydney International Airport. We are recognised internationally as a city of innovation and deserve top-tier cultural and recreation facilities that will enhance the city's liveability," Mayor Mannoun said.
"Council sees a bright future for Liverpool, with continued investment in commercial operations, transport, freight and education infrastructure bringing new job opportunities for residents.
"A multi-purpose venue stadium would serve as a good stimulus for job creation during this challenging period and into the future, while also putting Liverpool on the map as South West Sydney's globally-connected sporting capital."