Liverpool Summer School Explores Council of Europe Law

Council of Europe

The second Liverpool Summer School is underway at the University of Liverpool. The twelve day event, titled "Council of Europe at 75: Protecting Human Rights, Democracy, and the Rule of Law in a Rapidly Changing World" has been organised by the university's School of Law and Social Justice in cooperation with the Council of Europe's OCEAN programme and other partners.

The Summer School will explore the role of the Council of Europe in addressing key challenges for human rights protection in the era of digital revolution and new technologies. 45 participants from more than 20 countries, will also consider how the different bodies of the Council of Europe, including the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR), the Committee for the Prevention of Torture (CPT), the Social Rights Committee (SRC) and the Venice Commission, have been contributing to the fundamental aims of the organisation. Twenty five experts will give presentations, including the Presidents of the European Court of Human Rights and the Parliamentary Assembly, the Chairs of the CPT and the SRC as well as a Vice Presidents of the Venice Commission.

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