The Innovation Tri-Valley Leadership Group (ITV), a partnership working to advance the region's business climate and quality of life, announced Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory's Beth McCormick will co-chair its new Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) Council.
As LLNL's director of Strategic Workforce Development for Engineering, McCormick heads efforts to develop and implement Lab workforce development programs with local community colleges and universities, including the Vets2Tech program, which garnered the East Bay Economic Development Alliance's Award for Education Innovation in 2017. McCormick, along with co-chair and Las Positas College President Dyrell Foster, will lead a forum for employers, educators and nonprofits to work together to improve diversity, equity and inclusion in and around the Tri-Valley.
"The new council will leverage existing programs and create a library of best practices, as well as host events where experts will share lessons learned and challenges on a variety of DEI topics such as outreach, recruiting, training, retention and employee programs," McCormick said. "We plan to coordinate outreach to historically excluded groups together to build a better sense of belonging within the Tri-Valley. I'm excited to get to work."
An innovation hub bringing the local business community together with government, academia and nonprofit organizations, ITV launched the DEI Council earlier this month as part of its 2040 Vision Plan for advancing the next 20 years of economic opportunities in the Tri-Valley.
The council comprises experts and strategists in DEI efforts throughout the region, with a goal of increasing diversity across leadership, improving equitable opportunities and making inclusion a central tenet for future collaboration, according to ITV.
In addition to her role with DEI programs in Engineering, McCormick leads the Engineering Women's Council, which fosters the career development of technical women from associate's degrees to doctorates. She also serves on advisory boards for California Polytechnic State University, the University of California San Diego, Ohlone College and the Las Positas College Foundation, and chairs the Alameda County Workforce Development Board.