Local History Competition: Bayside

The Ron Rathbone Local History Competition is back, with an optional theme encouraging entries that explore the contribution local women made to Australia's wartime efforts.

The Ron Rathbone Local History competition plays an important role in keeping our local history alive and entries in this annual competition help extend our knowledge of the area.

The Ron Rathbone Local History Competition has two categories. The Open Category for original research into the Bayside area carries a winning prize of $5,000. The High School Category encourages high school students to write about our local history and offers a $2,000 prize.

This year Council is encouraging entries that research the stories and contributions made by local women during WWI and WWII, while exploring the evolving role of women in Australian society.

The competition is named after Ron Rathbone, a former Mayor and historian whose passionate devotion to local history led him to write more than 15 books and numerous articles on the history and heritage of the area.

Last year's winner was Olga Sedneva whose entry Tempe-Change of Landscape, Change of Purpose provided a new perspective of Tempe House, and the artworks associated with this historic building.

Previous entries, as well as details of the competition and how to enter are on Council's website.

Entries close on Thursday 17 July 2025.

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