Local Insight Crucial for Community Support

Department of Defence

Showing how quickly the ADF can mobilise when needed, the Lismore-based 41st Battalion, the Royal New South Wales Regiment (41 RNSWR), bolstered its ranks from 10 soldiers to 750 in less than 24 hours as Tropical Cyclone Alfred approached.

Byron Barracks was the northern NSW staging centre for preparations ahead of the storm cell that threatened to devastate still-recovering communities.

Operations officer at 41 RNSWR, Major Elizabeth Wells, said her team stepped up quickly to meet the demands of Operation Tropical Cyclone Alfred Assist.

"Our area of operations is as big as Ireland and we have 10 full-time personnel to run it, so it was a big jump from 10 in our AO (area of operations) to 750," Major Wells said.

"The communication worked really well, having that understanding that they were coming, and coming in force, to get in before the cyclone hit so we were ready."

As the majority of 41 RNSWR personnel are local reservists, Major Wells said their extensive local knowledge and connections were essential to the ADF effort.

"The 41 RNSWR soldiers really stepped forward in having that local knowledge - they were the pathfinders, they were the local contacts, they were the ones who knew where there might be problems and fixed the problems before they even happened," she said.

"They made sure their families were safe and then they were helping the NSW State Emergency Service move trees to get to the headquarters so they could help full-time personnel get food out there, clear debris from roads and lines, help out in any way they could," she said.

"My guys were chomping at the bit to get out and it was really cool to see."

Major Wells said the relief in the community was palpable following the downgrade of the storm, and having the ADF in the area helped lift spirits.

"The response from the community was very positive," Major Wells said.

"The kids loved seeing the army trucks, the oldies loved seeing the army trucks and sharing their warries."

41 RNSWR was bolstered by regular Brisbane-based soldiers from 8th/9th Battalion, the Royal Australian Regiment, and the 2nd Combat Engineer Regiment.

Additional support was provided by 5th Combat Service Support Battalion; 8th Signal Regiment; 5th Engineer Regiment; 4th/3rd Battalion, the Royal New South Wales Regiment; Headquarters 5th Brigade command; and Joint Task Force Command.

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