Council, in partnership with Transport NSW, are rolling out the 'Look Out Before You Step Out' pedestrian safety campaign.
Some pedestrians, distracted by mobile phones or wearing headphones, walk out into traffic without looking. The Look Out Before You Step Out campaign, originally launched in October 2016, aims to educate pedestrians to take an extra moment to take extra care before crossing a road, as well as choosing safe times and places to cross -- particularly on higher risk urban roads.
Council continues to install brightly coloured injury prevention/pedestrian safety footpath decal stickers across Shoalhaven at refuges, intersections and crossings to catch pedestrian's attention and remind them about road safety. The message is simple, look out before you step out, it could save your life.
Shoalhaven City Council Mayor, Amanda Findley said, "all of our road users are pedestrians at some time or another. Taking risks and not being mindful on the roads can end in tragedy. It is really important to be in the moment, take a look around, and make safe decisions."
"With the increase in technology use, people are becoming easily distracted and less aware of their surroundings. The decals are especially designed to stop people on mobile phones risking their lives by walking out into traffic without looking," Mayor Findley said.
Sadly, research has shown there is an even spread of fatalities and serious injuries across all ages, 17-60+ years, with males making up the majority of pedestrian fatalities and serious injuries on NSW roads.
Here are some simple steps you can take to stay safe:
- Look after yourself. Just because someone else decides to cross a road, it doesn't mean it's safe for you.
- Put your phone away and remove your earphones.
- Don't assume an approaching vehicle can see you, or will stop for you, even if you are using a crossing. Wait until all vehicles stop before you step off the kerb.
- Avoid crossing between parked cars or at the front or back of a bus or large vehicle.
- At intersections, check for turning vehicles before you step out and while you cross the road.
- Always use pedestrian crossings or other pedestrian facilities if they are available.
- Wear bright/light coloured clothing at night or in reduced visibility conditions.