Looking Back To Move Forward

Rock samples from the state's Drill Core Library are being featured at a new exhibition which opened recently at the RMIT Design Hub Gallery.

The 2025 Alastair Swayn Legacy Exhibition: Deep Time/Real Time explores design's relationship to planetary systems through two opposing scales – 'deep time' and 'real-time'.

Staff from Resources Victoria attended the opening of the exhibition which looks at how we as global citizens continue to struggle with reconciling geological timescales with our everyday lives.

This in turn affects our collective ability to make decisions on regenerative actions for the future. However, in utilising new technologies, we can gather, analyse and visualise data – some in real time – to better understand environmental conditions that would, otherwise, be invisible.

The interactive exhibition features geological and material samples from researchers working across various scientific fields, alongside time-based creative works curated through the lens of ecology, energy and technology.

Located in Werribee, the state's Drill Core Library has a growing collection of invaluable geoscientific assets. It allows rock and mineral samples to be studied and re-analysed in the search for new earth resources.

Cores from across the state were selectively chosen by Geoscientist, Shannon Brown for the exhibition with the aim to showcase the large variety of rock types present in Victoria.

The cores also represent multiple geological time periods, ranging from 1 million years old to 485 million years old, fitting with the time-based theme of the exhibit.

The exhibit is free to view and will run until the end of April at the RMIT Design Hub Gallery.

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