The two award recipients are Flight Lieutenant Matthew Hackett and Reverend Bernard Jones, both of No 1 Welsh Wing RAF Air Cadets. Their awards recognise their outstanding service and devotion to duty, and were presented at the Lord-Lieutenant's annual award ceremony at Pontypridd Army Reserve Centre on Thursday 8 February 2024.
In addition to his squadron commander duties at 2077 Pontyclun Squadron, Flight Lieutenant Matthew Hackett is a member of the wider Wing media team, which has benefited greatly from his professional TV editing skills.
Reverend Bernard Jones became Wing Chaplain shortly after being appointed padre to 254 Aberdare Squadron in 2016. His ambition from the outset was that all 22 units of No 1 Welsh Wing should have a padre - a goal that he has almost reached.
The achievements of the Lord-Lieutenant's four cadets were also recognised and celebrated during the awards evening: Leading Cadet Brandon Jones of Rhondda Sea Cadet Corps; Leading Cadet Anna-Maria Petter of Porthcawl Sea Cadet Corps, Cadet Warrant Officer Scott Jones of No 3 Welsh Wing RAF Air Cadets and Cadet Warrant Officer Emily Richards of No 1 Welsh Wing RAF Air Cadets. They outlined to the audience their time in cadets, including highlights of their role over the past 12 months.
The four were selected for the prestigious Lord-Lieutenant's cadet role after being put forward for nomination by cadet group leaders and the Reserve Forces' and Cadets' Association (RFCA) for Wales. The role continues until September, and includes attendance with the Lord-Lieutenant - who acts as the King's representative - at a number of official engagements, including Remembrance events, Royal visits and parades.
There are nearly 5,000 cadets in Wales who gain skills and qualifications through working with local communities, charities and taking part in a variety of practical activities. The cadet syllabus is delivered by 1,850 volunteering adult instructors and civilian assistants who give up their spare time on weeknights and weekends.
The awards ceremony, attended by more than 60 people, was organised by the RFCA for Wales; an organisation that has supported the Armed Forces for over 100 years.