The Magical Caresses animated documentary series by Lori Malépart-Traversy, produced by the NFB, will be available free of charge across Canada on starting October 17. Consisting of five animated shorts that take a playful and uninhibited look at solo sexuality, the series has screened to acclaim on the national and international festival circuit.
"The topic of women and masturbation remains taboo in our society, so we've tried to demystify it in a way that's healthy, uninhibited and funny. This series and Lori's approach fully embody the values we seek at the French Program Animation Studio: namely, auteur films with a strong, personal visual look and a distinctive narrative style." - Christine Noël, Executive Producer, NFB French Program Animation Studio
Awards and festival selections
- Fonds Bell prize at the 2022 Festival du cinéma international en Abitibi-Témiscamingue (FCIAT).
- Award for Best Educational Film at the 2022 Sommets du cinéma d'animation in Montreal (Masturbation: A Short History of a Great Taboo).
- Selected to screen in competition at the 2022 Annecy International Animation Film Festival (Sweet Jesus).
- Selected to screen in competition at the Ottawa International Animation Festival (Masturbation: A Short History of a Great Taboo).
- Selected at the Animator International Animation Festival in Poznan, Poland (Turquoise Fish).
Quick Facts
Magical Caresses by Lori Malépart-Traversy (5 × 4 min)
Produced by Julie Roy and Christine Noël for the NFB's French Program Animation Studio