- Lotterywest funding granted for Birdlife Australia Ltd
Environment Minister Stephen Dawson has announced a $576,529 Lotterywest grant to BirdLife Australia Ltd to conserve and enhance bird life in the Perth metropolitan region.
Over a three-year period, the grant will support BirdLife WA's Connecting Urban Communities with Nature project.
The proposal will work with and engage the community, government agencies and the not-for-profit sector to inform the planning of urban landscapes, provide practical guidance and education for the public, and form an evidence base for ongoing monitoring and impact measurement.
The grant will go towards time limited salaries, professional fees and administration costs, travel, resources and information technology to conserve declining and threatened bird species in Perth.
Since 1992, the State Government through Lotterywest has approved 34 grants to BirdLife Australia Ltd totalling $1,452,011.
As noted by Environment Minister Stephen Dawson:
"The future of local bird life is dependent on providing suitable habitats across WA's urban landscapes, so I commend BirdLife WA for all the work that they do and for their commitment to biodiversity in this State.
"The WA Government, through Lotterywest, is extremely proud to be supporting community projects like this one that are helping build a better WA."