Macquarie AirFinance Prices $650M in 5.20% Notes

Macquarie AirFinance Holdings Limited (the "Company") announced today that it has priced $650 million aggregate principal amount of 5.20% Senior Notes due 2028 (the "Notes") in a private offering. The Notes are expected to be issued on 27 March 2025, subject to customary closing conditions. As of the issuance date of the Notes, the Notes will be obligations solely of the Company and will not be guaranteed by any of its subsidiaries.

Net proceeds from the sale of the Notes will be used for general corporate purposes, which may include the repayment of certain indebtedness.

About Macquarie AirFinance

Macquarie AirFinance, an aircraft lessor founded in 2006, provides aircraft and capital to the world's airlines. The company owns and leases commercial jet aircraft internationally through offices in North America, Europe and Asia. Macquarie AirFinance is owned by Macquarie Asset Management (50%), PGGM Infrastructure Fund (25%) and Australia Retirement Trust (25%). As of December 31, 2024, Macquarie AirFinance owned 236 aircraft leased to 85 airline customers across 49 countries.

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