Macquarie Expands ETF Lineup With High Yield Muni Bond

  • Provides ETF investors with access to the firm's award-winning1 national high yield municipal bond strategy

Today, Macquarie Asset Management expanded its active exchange-traded fund (ETF) platform with the launch of Macquarie National High-Yield Municipal Bond ETF (HTAX). Managed by our Municipal Bond Team, HTAX shares the same yield-focused investment objective and process as our flagship high yield municipal bond mutual fund.

This new ETF aims to maximize return with an income-driven, risk-controlled approach and a research-driven investment process. HTAX leverages the award-winning expertise of Macquarie Asset Management's Municipal Bond Team, with $US11.8 billion in assets under management,2 providing clients with tax-advantaged income, competitive risk-adjusted return potential, and lower volatility compared with dividend-paying stocks and other fixed income sectors. Across Macquarie Asset Management's municipal bond platform, 11 of our funds, including our flagship national strategies, are rated 5 stars by Morningstar.3

"We believe high yield municipal bonds can provide investors with a reliable source of tax-advantaged income, and active management is essential to finding opportunities in the over $US4 trillion4 municipal bond market," said Gregory Gizzi, Head of US Fixed Income and Head of Municipal Bonds at Macquarie Asset Management. "HTAX leverages our yield-focused philosophy, which is grounded in deep, bottom-up research and backed by a dedicated team of research analysts."

"Today's launch marks an exciting expansion of our active ETF lineup," said Anthony Caruso, Head of ETF Strategy at Macquarie Asset Management. "Offering investors access to our flagship high yield municipal bond strategy within the convenience of an ETF underscores our commitment to delivering exceptional service to our clients."

HTAX is Macquarie Asset Management's second actively managed municipal bond ETF, after Macquarie Tax-Free USA Short Term ETF (STAX). Since November 2023, Macquarie Asset Management has launched more than a dozen active ETFs in the US and Australia.

To learn more about Macquarie Asset Management's global ETF platform, click here.

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