Major Upgrade For Wally Tew

Wally Tew Pavillion in Ferntree Gully is set for a major upgrade.

The two-story pavilion, which has been in use since 1980, will receive significant improvements to ensure the space is fit for purpose, accessible and safe for the community well into the future.

Key upgrades will include the installation of a new kiosk, a revamped umpire's room, an expanded veranda, new accessible toilets and a new external staircase. A gas-to-electric conversion will improve the energy efficiency of the pavilion and reduce running costs.

The pavilion upgrades are partially funded by the Victorian Government through the Community Support Fund of $2 million. Council is investing a further $1.2 million.

The pavilion redevelopment will commence on Monday 14 April 2025, with works expected to be completed by April 2026.

In addition to the pavilion upgrade, works to renew the adjacent oval are underway. Council is investing $1.75 million to improve the quality of the playing surface. Works on the oval are on track to be completed by December 2025.

Wally Tew is host to much-loved events like Knox Fest and Carols, and home to both the Ferntree Gully Eagles Football Netball Club and the Ferntree Gully Cricket Club.

We have worked with the clubs to minimise impacts during construction.

The upgrades will not only modernise the facilities for local sports groups, enhancing the experience for players and visitors alike, but will also support the long-term growth of activities at Wally Tew Reserve.

For more information

To stay up to date on works over the next 12 months, visit .

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