Design work is complete for the major upgrades and repairs scheduled for Mila Road, following significant damage caused by natural disasters and ground water impact – with early preparations to commence from June 2023.
The bulk of the work will be carried out from October 2023 as weather conditions improve following winter.
A competitive tender process is complete and contracts have been awarded.
Council's original plans to seal the gravel section of Mila Road have been revised in response to the serious deterioration of the whole length of the road since those plans were announced.
Works will now see repairs and resurfacing to the worst affected 6km of existing sealed road, with heavy patching works on the remaining 4km of the sealed section. This will restore the existing sealed road back to a high standard.
Following this extensive work on the sealed road, Council will perform gravel resheeting and drainage improvements on the unsealed sections of Mila Road.
Once complete, these works will ensure that the whole length of Mila Road is returned to a safe standard for all road users.