Major Works Ramp Up To Remove Melton Level Crossings

VIC Premier

The Allan Labor Government has kicked off major works to remove four dangerous level crossings in Melbourne's growing west - that will cut congestion and deliver safer journeys for motorists and passengers.

Minister for Transport Infrastructure Gabrielle Williams today announced excavation has started on the new Melton Station which will deliver four accessible platforms to cater for Ballarat train services and dedicated services that begin and end at Melton - while also paving the way for the electrification of the Melton Line.

This follows a five-day construction blitz that wrapped up last week with crews carrying out signalling works and relocating underground utilities.

More than 14,000 tonnes of soil is set to be excavated in preparation for the station to open to passengers by the end of 2026.

At Ferris Road in Melton, crews have relocated a pedestrian path and carried out track and signalling works while at Hopkins Road in Truganina, a piling rig has started drilling 48 holes up to nine metres deep as part of the foundations for the new road bridge.

When the project is complete, new rail bridges will take trains over Coburns and Exford roads and new road bridges will carry vehicles over the rail line at Ferris Road and Hopkins Road - with the four level crossings to be gone for good and the new Melton Station to open in 2026, two years ahead of schedule.

The project makes way for the $650 million Melton Line Upgrade, which will boost passenger capacity by 50 per cent by allowing nine-car VLocity trains to run on the line by 2028. A new stabling yard will also be built at Cobblebank to house the new trains and early site investigations will soon get underway.

The Labor Government is building 23 new VLocity trains in Dandenong to increase capacity in Melton - with six trains already operating on the network.

Across Melbourne, 110 level crossings are being removed by 2030, with 84 already gone for good.

As stated by Minister for Transport Infrastructure Gabrielle Williams

"We are investing more than $1 billion in Melton to remove four dangerous and congested level crossings, build a new Melton Station and upgrade the Melton Line - delivering better services for people across Melbourne's west."

As stated by Member for Melton Steve McGhie

"We are kicking off major works to make Melton level crossing free and build the new station to help get people where they need to go faster."

As stated by Member for Kororoit Luba Grigorovitch

"Removing the Hopkins Road level crossing will permanently separate vehicles and trains, improving safety and keeping locals moving in the heart of Truganina."

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