Mal joins BPDTS having been the Deputy Finance Director for Digital Group at the Department of Work and Pensions. He has held a number of senior finance roles across DWP Finance Group and Operations. Prior to this he spent 6 years at HM Treasury leading on the professionalisation of Whitehall's finance functions and managing the community of qualified accountants and trainees across government. He has also worked in a number of finance roles in HMRC and the Department of Health.
Mal Singh
Talking about the new role, Mal said:
I'm absolutely delighted to be joining BPDTS at such an exciting point in the company's evolvement. I'm looking forward to having the opportunity to use my skills to help improve digital experiences of millions of UK citizens, and make a difference to the lives of some of the most vulnerable in our society.
Loveday Ryder, BPDTS's Chief Executive Officer, when talking of Mal's appointment, said;
I'm delighted that Mal has agreed to become BPDTS's Finance Director. He brings a huge knowledge of both his finance profession and the workings of government. I'm very much looking forward to working alongside him to deliver our organisation's goals and ambitions. I'd also like to publically thank Paul Greening, our former Finance Director who has recently retired, for all of his hard work in establishing and making our company the success it is today.