Man Arrested for Knifepoint Car Theft in Auburn

A man has been arrested after he allegedly stole a car at knifepoint and fled from police in Auburn overnight.

About 11.50pm yesterday (Sunday 2 March 2025), police were called to Kihilla Road, Auburn, following reports of a carjacking.

Officers attached to Auburn Police Area Command arrived and were told a driver had been approached by an unknown man who allegedly threatened them with a knife before removing them from an SUV and leaving the scene in the stolen car.

No injuries were reported.

A short time later, police located the allegedly stolen SUV driving on Boorea Street, Lidcombe.

Police directed the driver to stop; however, when they allegedly failed to do so a pursuit was initiated.

During the pursuit, the SUV crashed on the intersection of Parramatta Road and Melton Street, Auburn, about 12am today (Monday 3 March 2025).

The alleged driver – a 23-year-old man – then attempted to flee the scene on foot but was arrested nearby and taken to Auburn Police Station.

Following the end of the pursuit, two fully marked police vehicles also collided nearby.

No officers were injured during the incident.

Police have established crime scenes at multiple locations and detectives have commenced an investigation into the incident.

Investigations are continuing.

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