Man caught nearly 3 times over limit in possession of firearms at Waddamana

A 39 year old Perth man has been caught driving nearly three times over the limit while possessing firearms at Waddamana in the central highlands.

Police remind the community of their obligations when handling firearms and consuming alcohol following an operation between Tasmania Police and Park Rangers last Friday (27 November).

Police apprehended the man driving nearly three times over the limit, in possession of several firearms including a loaded firearm, with children also present in the vehicle. One of the children was also in possession of a firearm.

Senior Sergeant Parker of Oatlands Police said that wildlife rangers and police were disappointed to apprehend the man driving a vehicle at Waddamana in the central highlands in the circumstances that they did.

"This should be a reminder to the public that police and rangers are regularly out looking for offenders in remote areas and that people should simply not risk themselves and others by driving in these types of circumstances," Senior Sergeant Parker said.

"Firearms and alcohol are a terrible combination and we were certainly lucky in this situation that a serious incident was averted."

Senior Sergeant Parker said that the man's drivers licence was disqualified on the spot for 12 months and his firearms were seized.

A 39 year old Perth man will be summonsed for Exceeding .05 namely 0.142, firearms offences and wildlife offences.

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