Man Charged After Car Hits Mobility Scooter in Skye

Frankston Crime Investigation Unit detectives have charged a man following a collision in Skye on Tuesday.

It is alleged that a silver Holden Astra left the road and collided with a mobility scooter on the footpath along McCormicks Road about 8.45pm.

The rider of the mobility scooter, a 51-year-old Skye man, fell to the ground and was treated for minor injuries.

The Astra allegedly fled the scene.

Detectives arrested a 49-year-old Dandenong man and seized a silver Holden Astra yesterday.

The man was charged with reckless conduct endanger life and serious injury, intentionally cause injury, fail to stop vehicle after accident, fail to render assistance, fail to report to police if person injured, stalking and use carriage service to harass.

He was bailed to appear before Frankston Magistrates' Court on 14 April.

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