Man Charged After Vehicles Damaged, Theft in Lidcombe

A man will face court today after a number of vehicles were allegedly damaged in a series of steal from motor vehicle offences in Sydney's west.

Officers attached to Auburn Police Area Command commenced an investigation following two incidents in Lidcombe over the last six weeks.

In the first incident, a man entered a secure car park on Flock Street, Lidcombe, about 1am on Monday 24 February 2025, and allegedly stole items from several vehicles.

In the second incident, about 1am on Saturday 1 March 2025, a man entered a secure car park on Carter Street, Lidcombe, where he allegedly broke into several vehicles, causing damage and stealing a number of items from vehicles.

Following inquiries, about 1pm on Thursday (6 March 2025) police arrested a 39-year-old man on Belmore Street, Burwood.

He was taken to Burwood Police Station, where he was charged with 28 offences including ten counts of destroy or damage property, five counts of larceny, five counts of enter vehicle or boat without consent of owner/ occupier, three counts of dishonestly obtain property by deception, two counts of enter building/land with intent commit indictable offence, two counts of face blackened/disguised with intent commit indictable offence and threaten to destroy or damage an other persons property.

The 39-year-old was bail refused to appear before Burwood Local Court today (Friday 7 March 2025).

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