Man Charged for Antisemitic Video: Strike Force Pearl

Strike Force Pearl detectives have charged a second person over an antisemitic video posted online.

A 27-year-old man was arrested at Sutherland Police Station about 7.30pm yesterday (Tuesday 4 March 2025), by detectives investigating a video allegedly broadcast from a hospital in Bankstown and circulated online.

The man, from Bankstown, has now been charged with

• Use carriage service to menace/harass/offend threaten to menace, harass or cause offence (offence pursuant to Section 474.17(1) of the Criminal Code (Commonwealth offence), and

• Possess prohibited drug.

He has been granted conditional bail to appear at the Downing Centre Local Court on Wednesday 19 March 2025.

A 26-year-old woman remains before the courts charged with three Commonwealth offences,

• Threaten violence to group

• Use carriage service to threaten to kill, and

• Use carriage service to menace/harass/offend.

NSW Police Commissioner Karen Webb said Strike Force Pearl detectives have now arrested 15 people and laid a total of 78 charges.

"I must commend the work Strike Force Pearl detectives are doing to investigate, charge and put these individuals before the courts.

"There is a tremendous amount of dedication and hard work going into all these investigations.

"Detectives have overcome many challenges – including huge public expectation – to put these individuals before the court," Commissioner Webb said.

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