Man Charged in Guildford Cocaine Bust: 14kg Seized

A man has been charged after almost 14kg of cocaine was seized in Guildford yesterday.

About 4pm (Wednesday 19 March 2025), police attached to Cumberland Traffic and Highway Patrol Command stopped a Hyundai sedan on Elizabeth Street, Guildford after allegedly detecting it travelling 71kph in a 50kph sign posted area.

Police stopped and spoke to the 25-year-old driver before searching his vehicle.

During the search, police located approximately 13.96kg of cocaine, $1600 cash and two phones.

The drugs, cash and mobile phones were seized.

The man was charged with supply prohibited drug - commercial quantity and deal with property proceeds of crime less than $100000 & less than $5000.

He was refused bail and appeared before Parramatta Local Court today (Thursday 20 March 2023).

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