Man Charged in Moree Car Theft, Police Pursuit

A man has been charged after an alleged police pursuit in a stolen car yesterday.

About 10am on Sunday 16 March 2025, police were notified an alleged stolen Ford Mustang was travelling towards Moree along the Gwydir Highway.

Officers attached to New England Police District successfully deployed road spikes as the vehicle allegedly travelled at speed on the highway.

The vehicle came off the roadway momentarily before it returned to the roadway.

Police attempted to stop the vehicle and when it did not stop, a pursuit was initiated.

The pursuit was terminated a short time later when police lost sight of the vehicle.

About 10.15am, police were called to Warialda Street, Moree, following reports the vehicle had been sighted and a man was seen running from the location.

Upon arrival, police seized the vehicle for forensic examination.

About 10.50pm, police attended the Moree Showgrounds and arrested a 36-year-old man.

He was taken to Moree Police Station, where he was charged with aggravated break and enter and commit serious indictable offence-people there, steal motor vehicle and police pursuit – not stop – drive dangerously.

He was refused bail to appear Moree Local Court today (Monday 17 March 2025).

Police will allege in court the vehicle was stolen from a garage on Copeton Dam Road, Bingara, between 11pm on Saturday 15 March 2025 and 6am Sunday 16 March 2025.

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