Man Charged in Teen Sex Assault, Robbery

A man will face court today charged with the alleged sexual assault and robbery of a teenage girl in Sydney's west at the weekend.

Officers attached to Auburn Police Area Command were called to Church Street, Lidcombe, about 10am Sunday (9 February 2025), following reports of an assault.

Police will allege in court a man spoke to a 15-year-old girl at Lidcombe Railway Station before they went to a nearby car park.

The man allegedly produced a knife and stole her phone.

Police will allege the man then sexually assaulted and sexually touched the girl, before she ran from the car park.

Police established a crime scene and officers, with the assistance of officers from State Crime Command's Sex Crimes Squad, began an investigation.

Following extensive inquiries, police arrested a 37-year-old man at a home in Alice Street, Newtown, on yesterday (Monday 10 February 2025).

He was taken to Newtown Police Station and charged with aggravated sex assault – victim under the age of 16 years, and robbery armed with offensive weapon.

The man has been refused bail to appear at Newtown Local Court today (Tuesday 11 February 2025).

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