Man Charged Re Disappearance Of Samantha Murphy

Detectives from the Missing Persons Squad have this afternoon charged a man as part of their investigation into the disappearance of Ballarat East woman Samantha Murphy.

A 22-year-old Scotsburn man was arrested at his home address shortly after 6am on Wednesday, 6 March.

He was subsequently interviewed by police and charged with one count of murder.

The man will face Ballarat Magistrates' Court this afternoon.

Police are yet to recover Samantha's body and the investigation remains ongoing.

The 51-year-old was last seen leaving her Eureka Street home about 7am on Sunday, 4 February.

Today's charge follows a significant investigation and extensive searches of the Canadian Forest area over the past month.

These searches have involved a range of specialist units from across Victoria Police and many local community members have also volunteered their time to assist the search.

Anyone with any information about Samantha's disappearance is urged to contact Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000 or make a report online at

Quotes attributable to Detective Acting Superintendent Mark Hatt, Crime Command:

"Our thoughts today are with Samantha's family and friends.

"Since Samantha's disappearance at the start of February, a significant search and investigation has been undertaken in an effort to find her.

"This has included a dedicated and committed investigative effort led by the Missing Persons squad and also involving detectives from right across Crime Command, Counter Terrorism Command and Western Region.

"This has been further supported by a range of specialist resources from across Victoria Police.

"To get to a position where we have been able to charge someone is testament to the commitment and dedication from all those areas.

"We have also had exceptional support from many people in the Ballarat community, particularly local search volunteers and members of the SES and CFA.

"I know that Samantha's disappearance has had a profound impact on the Ballarat community and I want to thank all of those people who have assisted police in many different ways over the past month."

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