Man Charged With High Range DUI in St Helens

A 35-year-old St Helens man has been charged with high-range drink driving and other driving offences after being intercepted by police in St Helens last night.

Inspector Luke Manhood said the driver was intercepted by police on Medea Street, St Helens about 6.00pm and returned a blood alcohol reading of 0.346 - almost seven times the legal limit.

"He was arrested and charged with drink driving and driving while disqualified, and will appear in court at a later date."

"Drink driving is a serious and unacceptable risk to all road users, and being almost seven times the legal limit is both highly dangerous and reckless," he said.

Drink and drug driving are significant contributing factors to serious and fatal crashes, and police will not tolerate this behaviour.

Police will continue to target those who place themselves and others at risk on our roads. Remember, we can be anywhere, at anytime.

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