Man Charged With Multiple Firearm Offences in Murray River

A man will front Wagga Wagga Local Court today charged with 10 firearm and drug offences.

About 11.15am yesterday (Wednesday 28 June 2024), officers attached to the Murray River Police District Rural Crime Prevention Team (RCPT), executed a search warrant at a home in Perricoota Street, Womboota, about 74km south-east of Deniliquin.

Officers seized a rifle – which had been reported stolen – as well as ammunition, cannabis, methylamphetamine and a mobile phone; these have been sent for forensic examination.

A 57-year-old man was arrested at the scene and taken to Moama Police Station.

He was charged with 10 offences;

  • Possess unauthorised firearm
  • Use, supply etc stolen firearm or firearm part
  • Acquire firearm no licence/permit-not pistol/prohibited firearm
  • Possess ammunition w/o holding licence/permit/authority
  • Unauthorised person fail to surrender firearm
  • Receive etc property stolen outside NSW
  • Possess prohibited drugs (two counts)
  • Not keep firearm safely-not pistol/prohibited firearm
  • Acquire ammunition for firearm without licence/ permit

The man has been refused bail to appear before Wagga Wagga Local Court today (Thursday 27 June 2024).

Anyone with information about this incident is urged to contact Crime Stoppers: 1800 333 000 or Information is treated in strict confidence. The public is reminded not to report information via NSW Police social media pages.

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