Man With Critical Injuries After Hit-run In Spotswood

Major Collision Investigation Unit detectives are investigating a hit-run in Spotswood this afternoon.

It is believed a male motorbike rider was travelling along the Westgate Freeway, when a gold Toyota swerved into his lane about 12.15pm.

The rider was forced to take evasive action and collided with another motorbike in the same lane.

The driver of the gold Toyota did not stop at the scene to assist.

The first male rider sustained critical injuries and was taken to hospital for treatment.

The second rider sustained minor injuries and was taken to hospital for treatment.

Detectives would like to speak with anyone that may have been on the freeway at the time of the collision or has knowledge of the gold Toyota's whereabouts.

Anyone who witnessed the collision, has dashcam footage or information is urged to contact Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000 or submit a confidential report online at

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