Onsite activities for the planned dredging of boating navigational channels within the Manning River at Farquhar Inlet will begin next week, according to MidCoast Council.
Dredging Solutions will undertake the work on behalf of Council and the team will start mobilisation of the dredge, pipeline and booster pumps via the Bohnock boat ramp next Wednesday 14 July, with dredging expected to begin soon after.
The dredging works are anticipated to take six weeks and have been scheduled outside the July school holidays to minimise disruption.
"We're really pleased to see this project coming to fruition and no doubt the wider community will be too," said Paul De Szell, MidCoast Council's Director of Liveable Communities.
"The need for dredging of the Inlet has been identified over a long period of time by a number of local groups who regularly use that section of our river and this will result in improved navigation throughout the area, particularly during low tides."
The dredge spoil will be pumped to two locations. A small amount of dredged material will be deposited on the small sand island near Cowans Lane, west of Charlies Island to enhance threatened shorebird habitat. The remaining bulk of the dredged material will be pumped via a dredge pipeline and directly discharged back into the ocean at Mitchells Island Beach.
As a result of the works, the Bohnock boat ramp will be closed on Wednesday 14 July to launch the dredge and associated equipment. In addition, a small part of the boat ramp carpark will be used as a storage area for the duration of the dredging operations. Boat users are advised to be aware of changed conditions in the area during the works period, including underwater and anchored pipelines.
A second closure of the boat ramp will be required at the end of the dredging.
"This project is the result of consultation and collaboration between a range of groups and will result in a number of positive impacts for the MidCoast community and beyond."
Funding for the project is being sourced from a NSW Government Rescuing Our Waterways grant and Council's environmental rate.