Manningham 2024 Art Expo Probes Culture, Place, Community

Manningham Council

Arts and culture fans are in for a treat with the launch of the Manningham Art Gallery 2024 Exhibition Program.

Manningham Mayor, Councillor Carli Lange, said this year's program will explore themes of culture, connection to place and community.

"This is an exciting chance to explore lived experience and healing through the lens of these artists, on themes that seem in this current time as relevant as ever.

"We strive to support both emerging and established contemporary artists, by providing a space to feature exhibitions that highlight innovative and unique takes on different themes through various art forms.

"I am excited for the community to experience this year's exhibitions and would encourage all artists to put their work forward for future exhibitions," Cr Lange said.

The seven exhibitions feature both Melbourne-based artists as well as artists from Manningham's diverse community.

Expressions of interest for 2025

Manningham Art Gallery is accepting expressions of interest to be part of gallery's 2025 exhibition program. Applications open Tuesday 5 March, 2024.

The gallery space is well-suited to ambitious solo presentations and artists from around Victoria are encouraged to apply.

Apply now

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