Manningham recognised for inclusive namin

Manningham Council

Last night, Manningham Council was honoured for acknowledging traditional owner language, preserving culture, and inclusive engagement at the Asia Pacific Spatial Excellence Awards.

Council received the 'Excellence in place naming' award for naming wonguim wilam* (pronounced won-goom-wil-lum) in Warrandyte. The award recognises the process taken to engage the community and respect the First Nations cultural heritage of the area, acknowledging traditional owner language.

In accepting the award on behalf of Council, Mayor Cr. Michelle Kleinert said

"This award is for everyone involved in the naming process - it has been a community effort."

The Mayor thanked Aunty Doreen Garvey-Wandin, Aunty Gail Smith, Aunty Julieanne Axford, and the Wurundjeri Woi-wurrung Corporation for their support and guidance throughout the process.

"This historic moment is the start of many more naming opportunities" said Cr. Kleinert.

She also thanked Geographic Names Victoria for nominating Council and their advice and expertise in the naming process.

This wouldn't have been possible without the participation and support of local organisations including The Lion's Club of Warrandyte, the Warrandyte Historical Society, and the Warrandyte Community Association.

The naming of wonguim wilam involved several Council departments, who collaborated to actively consult, engage, and educate the community throughout the process.

A playground refurbishment is underway, and an official park opening will be held, once completed in mid-2022.

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