Māori Business Stats: June 2024 Quarter Report

E ngā iwi, e ngā reo, e ngā whakahuahuatanga maha, tēnā koutou katoa.

Tēnei te mihi atu ki a koutou ngā uepū Māori i roto i ngā tini āhuatanga o te wā. E mihi ana ki a koutou mō koutou i tahuri mai ki te tautoko i ngā mahi, i tuku hoki i ā koutou mōhiotanga, kōrero ki a mātou. E mōhio ana mātou he taonga nui ngā kōrero o te iwi, o te hapū, o te hapori, me te whānau. Nō reira, ka nui te mihi atu ki a koutou katoa. Tēnei te tāpae atu nei i tēnei kohinga tatauranga ā-hauwhā tau mō ngā umanga Māori o te motu, e kitea ai ngā tini āhuatanga o ēnei kōkiri nui o te ao Māori mō tēnei wāhanga o te tau. Nō reira tēnā koutou katoa.

We would like to acknowledge all of those who contributed to this data release by providing data through various surveys and other means. We thank you for your support and for sharing your knowledge and information with us. We understand that the information of iwi, hapū, the community, and whānau are treasured, therefore we greatly appreciate your willingness to share such treasures with us.

Tatauranga umanga Māori - Statistics on Māori businesses: June 2024 quarter presents information on one subset of Māori businesses that contribute to our country's economy. This release includes data on Māori authorities and related businesses. It does not cover all Māori businesses in Aotearoa New Zealand.

Māori authorities are defined as businesses that receive, manage, and/or administer assets held in common ownership by iwi and Māori. Māori authorities are largely identified through their tax codes as registered with Inland Revenue. Any business within a Māori authority ownership group is also included for the purposes of Tatauranga umanga Māori.

Key facts

In the June 2024 quarter, around 1,450 Māori authorities and related businesses were in the Tatauranga umanga Māori population.

All figures are actual values and are not adjusted for seasonal effects.

In the June 2024 quarter compared with the June 2023 quarter:

  • the total value of sales by Māori authorities was $1,057 million, up $4.3 million (0.4 percent)
  • the total value of purchases by Māori authorities was $774 million, down $25 million (3.2 percent)
  • the total number of filled jobs for Māori authorities was 12,100, up 390 jobs (3.3 percent)
  • the total value of earnings by employees of Māori authorities was $219 million, up $15 million (7.4 percent)
  • Māori authorities exported $216 million worth of goods, up $5.6 million (2.7 percent).

Business financial data

Industry sales and purchases for Māori authorities and related businesses in the June 2024 quarter were:

  • primary industries ‒ $318 million in sales, $255 million in purchases
  • goods-producing industries ‒ $200 million in sales, $153 million in purchases
  • services industries ‒ $540 million in sales, $366 million in purchases.
Primary industriesGoods-producing industriesServices industries

Due to the small number of Māori authorities in the Tatauranga umanga Māori population, some industries have been grouped together to allow more data to be released:

  • Primary industries include businesses involved in farming, forestry, fishing, and mining.
  • Goods-producing industries include businesses involved in manufacturing; utilities such as electricity, gas, water, and waste services; and construction.
  • Services industries include businesses involved in health care and social assistance, real estate, travel agencies, and management services ‒ for example, head offices.

Broad industry groups - ANZSIC06 on Datainfo+ has more information on how the industries are grouped.

For the June 2024 quarter compared with the June 2023 quarter, the total value of sales by Māori authorities and related businesses rose $4.3 million.

By industry, the largest movements were:

  • health care and social assistance, up $23 million (14 percent)
  • other services industries, up $9.7 million (19 percent)
  • primary industries, down $30 million (8.6 percent).
IndustryDollar change
Health care and social assistance 23000000
Other services industries10000000
Arts and recreational services5000000
and real estate services"-4000000
and support services"
Goods-producing industries
Primary industries

Note that sales reported here may include donations and government funding. These funding sources are more prevalent in services industries.

Business financial data: June 2024 quarter has information on sales and purchases for most market industries in New Zealand.

Business employment data

For Māori authorities and related businesses in the June 2024 quarter compared with the June 2023 quarter:

  • the number of filled jobs for men was 5,370, up 150 jobs (2.9 percent)
  • the number of filled jobs for women was 6,730, up 240 jobs (3.7 percent)
  • the value of total earnings for men was $109 million, up $5.7 million (5.5 percent)
  • the value of total earnings for women was $110 million, up $9.4 million (9.3 percent).

The total number of filled jobs for Māori authorities and related businesses rose by 390 jobs in the June 2024 quarter compared with the June 2023 quarter. The movements by industry group were:

  • primary industries, no significant change
  • goods-producing industries, down 330 jobs (29 percent)
  • services industries, up 720 jobs (9.5 percent).
IndustryPercentage change
Services industries9.5
Primary industries0.2
Goods-producing industries-28.5

Total earnings for employees of Māori authorities and related businesses rose $15 million to $219 million in the June 2024 quarter compared with the June 2023 quarter. The movements in earnings by industry group were:

  • primary industries, up $4.1 million (8.0 percent)
  • goods-producing industries, down $5.0 million (24 percent)
  • services industries, up $16 million (12 percent).
Services industries12.1
Primary industries8
Goods-producing industries-24.1

Business employment data: June 2024 quarter has more information on filled jobs and gross earnings for all New Zealand businesses.

Goods exports

In the June 2024 quarter compared with the June 2023 quarter, the value of:

  • total goods exported by Māori authorities was $216 million, up $5.6 million (2.7 percent)
  • exports of milk powder, butter, and cheese was $56 million, down $7.9 million (12 percent)
  • exports of all other goods (including kaimoana (seafood), meat, machinery, and wine) was $160 million, up $13 million (9.2 percent).
"Milk powderAll otherTotal
Jun-19 butter164000000203000000
Sep-19 and cheese"159000000173000000

Note that goods may be exported by businesses in both the primary industries (for example, livestock or unprocessed seafood), and the goods-producing industries (for example, meat, dairy products, and wine).

Overseas merchandise trade: June 2024 has more information on imports and exports of merchandise goods for all New Zealand businesses.

Data updates to Tatauranga umanga Māori

The population of Māori authorities used in this release differs to the population in the previous quarterly release. Data on Māori authorities presented in this release are based on the revised population used in the 2023 annual release.

Counts of Māori authorities in the annual release are based on business demography data. Due to different levels of coverage, counts presented in this quarterly release will differ to those published in the annual release.

Tatauranga umanga Māori - Statistics on Māori businesses: 2023 has more information on changes made to the Māori business population.

Definitions and metadata

Tatauranga umanga Māori - Statistics on Māori businesses: June 2024 quarterly - DataInfo+ provides general methodology and definitions relevant for Māori business statistics.

Tatauranga umanga Māori: 2023 pūrongo matatini - Statistics on Māori businesses: 2023 technical report provides contextual and technical information about Stats NZ's publication of Tatauranga umanga Māori - statistics on Māori businesses.

Technical enquiries

Niko Slade
04 931 4228
[email protected]

ISSN 2744-6417

Next release

Tatauranga umanga Māori - Statistics on Māori businesses: September 2024 quarter will be released on 17 January 2025.

/Stats NZ Public Release. This material from the originating organization/author(s) might be of the point-in-time nature, and edited for clarity, style and length. Mirage.News does not take institutional positions or sides, and all views, positions, and conclusions expressed herein are solely those of the author(s).View in full here.