Mapping Creative Ecosystem In Wales

Cardiff University

Researchers from Cardiff University have created a tool for aspiring creatives, freelancers and companies looking to do business in Wales.

The Creative Economy Atlas Cymru from the Centre for the Creative Economy , follows an earlier prototype created in 2020 as part of the £4m AHRC-funded research and development programme Clwstwr (2018-2023).

In 2023-2024, the Centre for Creative Economy updated and expanded the Atlas with support from Creative Wales and Media Cymru.

Using data pooled from multiple sources, the "Creative Atlas" provides a unique, geographical picture of the Welsh creative ecosystem. The interactive map allows visitors to explore nine different creative sectors, nine types of creative spaces, as well as mapping other kinds of creative networks across Wales.

Visitors can zoom in to look at particular regions and postcodes, or zoom out to get a sense of where creative activity is clustered across Wales. Centre for Creative Economy researchers say the new Atlas is the most comprehensive of its kind in the UK, helping to break up data silos across the Welsh creative ecosystem and providing a complete and accurate picture of the creative industries across Wales.

The Creative Atlas will continue to evolve, incorporating new data as it emerges. Its online home is managed by the Centre for Creative Economy, with support from 4Global.

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