Margaret, Mackenzie Streets Intersection Upgraded

In an effort to improve the experience for motorists, cyclists and pedestrians in the East Toowoomba area, Toowoomba Regional Council (TRC) continues to make improvements to the way the Margaret and Mackenzie Street lights operate.

The new measures were discussed and endorsed at this week's Ordinary Meeting of Council where Councillors were also given further background on the ongoing operational improvements to the signal phasing and criteria the intersection upgrade met to receive Australian Government Black Spot Funding.

TRC Construction and Maintenance (ISG) Portfolio spokesperson Councillor Carol Taylor said Council was keen to see ongoing operational improvements at the intersection.

"Following Council's decision in November last year to implement measures to make it less desirable for motorists to use Curzon Street as an alternative north/south route in the eastern part of Toowoomba City, we have now strengthened those measures by improving the phasing of the Margaret and Mackenzie Streets intersection lights.

"Council considered options such as only operating these lights at certain times throughout the day however, Transmax, the consultant engaged by Council to explore an option such as this, deemed this would be unsafe and would create potential confusion for motorists.

"The safest and best way to improve the experience for motorists, cyclists and pedestrians was to improve the phasing of the lights, supported by monthly monitoring and other improvements, which will now save vehicles waiting time throughout the day by reducing the cycle times.

"And that is what Council is doing with these changes now being implemented," Cr Taylor said.

The Margaret and Mackenzie Street intersection was completed in early 2024 under the Australian Government's Black Spot Funding Program because of the crash history of the intersection including eight reported crashes, three hospitalisations, two of those involving cyclists, in the 5-year period to 30 June, 2020. There was a further incident with a cyclist requiring hospitalisation during the time the Black Spot Funding had been approved and the intersection upgrade having been completed.

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